*Per our IT department: DO NOT UNHOOK AND RELOCATE, OR ATTEMPT TO SERVICE THE CHECK SCANNER WITHOUT SPEAKING WITH THE HELPDESK! These machines are very sensitive to handle and require setup before they will work with another PC. *
- You must email helpdesk@c21affiliated.com for a deposit edge password reset. We will only reset the passwords for Office Admins and Team Leaders.
- The helpdesk will reset the deposit edge password; these passwords are delivered to BMO secure mailboxes that only we have access to so only we can retrieve the passwords.
- We should receive the reset email in a few minutes after triggering the reset, but it can sometimes take up to 5-10 minutes for the reset to come through. Once we have the password, we will email it to you.
- Copy the temporary password for Deposit Edge to your clipboard or write it down.
- Log into Deposit Edge with the copied temporary password (https://bmodepositedge.com/
- If you do not know your Deposit Edge username, please let the helpdesk know this and they will provide it to you.
- Each login should have their own security profile setup (profile picture, security phrase, and Q & A) – and we recommend recording this information in a LastPass Secure Note (see "How & Why to make a secure note in LastPass")) - if you don't know this information or are setting up for the first time, refer to the article "What to do if you don't know your Q & A for Deposit Edge"
- When updating the password, DO NOT change the address in the E-mail field - if the field is missing a complete email address, please add @c21affiliated.com to the end of it.
- BMO Deposit Edge password policy: all passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters, contain upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, & special characters. Passwords used in the last 90 days cannot be re-used!
- IMPORTANT: Due to a LastPass/browser issue, after you update the password on the password change screen, DO NOT SAVE THE NEW PASSWORD TO LASTPASS AT THIS TIME! - Instead: complete the sign on and log out of Deposit Edge, then login again manually using the new password you just created. If you have the LastPass extension installed in your web browser, LastPass should prompt you correctly now and let you save the password change to your vault.
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